The heavy presence of chemicals in everyday cosmetic skincare and haircare products has been rising as a major issue in recent years. The FDA does not regulate or provide pre-market approvals to cosmetics, which means that there is no authoritative control over the toxic contents of these products. Moreover, most customers are not aware of the toxic chemicals used in these products and how they can negatively affect their health in the long run, as anything you apply to your skin and scalp is absorbed by the blood stream.
Many customers are also unaware that products which contain water, often creams and lotions, and have a PAO (Period After Opening) time span are legally able to stay on the shelf for 3 years before being opened, and once opened they must be used within 3/6/8/12/24 months. This means that the water based products contain many chemical preservatives to ensure they last that for a minimum of 3 years without becoming contaminated with bacteria. Organic and natural products that do not contain harmful chemical preservatives to make them last so long typically have a short ‘Best Before Date’ (usually within 3 months) that is calculated from the date of manufacture.
Here are some of the harmful chemicals commonly found in many products and their effects:
Many cosmetic products you use on a daily basis such as face creams, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, wet wipes and body lotions are likely to contain glycols (Ethylene Glycol, Polyethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol). These chemicals are used to add a moisturising affect to the cosmetics and can indirectly cause cardiovascular problems, which can lead to renal failure when absorbed regularly into the bloodstream. They’re also able to penetrate deep layers of the skin and cause skin problems, such as dermatitis.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate
This chemical is found in most of the products that foam, such as shampoos, soaps and shaving creams and is added as a cleansing agent. Using products that contain sulfate can dry your hair, as it strips the scalp of its natural oils, causing itchiness and dehydration. It can also lead to irritated skin, eyes, and problems in the respiratory tract. If ingested by mistake, as unfortunately, this chemical is also present in many mouthwashes and toothpastes, it can cause irritation in the mucous membrane and damage to your kidneys. In more serious cases, cancer cells/tumours can develop from regular use of these products.
Parabens are commonly found in deodorants, shampoos and makeup and are added as antimicrobials to these products. However, recent studies have linked parabens to hormone inbalance, fertility problems, skin ageing and breast cancer, since traces of them were found in some tumors, although there is no conclusive finding. Parabens can be present in cosmetic products in the form of sodium salts, methyl-parabens, ethyl-parabens and propyl-parabens. Users of these products are recommended to take precautions, especially pregnant and breastfeeding women, as they may harm the fetus/baby. Doctors also recommend to not use products containing parabens on shaved or waxed skin, as it becomes easier for them to penetrate the skin and get absorbed into the bloodstream.
Triclosan is commonly used as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent in products such as liquid soaps, toothpastes and shampoos. This chemical has been listed as a pesticide by the Environmental Protection Agency and recent studies found that is causing disruption in the endocrine system, including the reproductive hormones and thyroid leading to its ban by the FDA in hand soaps. Another problem with Triclosan is that its antimicrobial properties do not differentiate between good bacteria and bad bacteria and attacks both, which causes further health problems. Moreover, prolonged usage contributes to creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria and is linked with asthma and eczema among children.
Petroleum is present in so many products as a basic ingredient in the forms of mineral oils, paraffin, xylene, petrolatum and so on. These forms contain as much as 22% of 1,4-dioxane which is listed as a “probable carcinogen” by the Environmental Protection Agency and WHO. Minor risks include skin problems like acne and blackheads and the major problems include a risk of cancer development since it is found to be causing cancer among animals that are tested on in the labs.
Azara Beautique offers a range of personal skincare and haircare products free from these toxic chemicals and the risks that come with them. All our organic products are handmade and created to treat and heal your skin and scalp of the damages caused by harmful chemicals.
Browse through our products here and treat your skin the way it deserves, the natural way.