See our collection of Zamzam skincare here.

It doesn’t matter what your background is, it is always great to learn new things! I have been asked by many people who have never heard of Zamzam water before to explain what it is, where it comes from and why we use it to make many of our products, so I have dedicated today’s blog post to answer everyone’s questions and for you to understand why it’s the key ingredient we are totally obsessed about!

Our love for Zamzam water makes us a very unique brand, as we are the only company in the world that uses it, alongside a variety of rare and luxurious Middle Eastern ingredients, to make natural and organic skincare/haircare for absolutely everyone; from babies to the elderly and for every skin and hair type/condition.

Zamzam water is considered by Muslims to be a holy water, which quenches thirsty pilgrims in Makkah, the holiest city for Muslims, which is situated in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Today, the Zamzam well is situated a few metres east of The Kaaba (the cube building known to Muslims as The House of God that is elegantly draped in a black and gold veil) and is 35 metres deep. 

According to Islamic tradition (Chapter 14 in The Quran ‘The Story of Abraham’), the story of the well dates back to Prophet Abraham’s baby son Ismail who was crying out of thirst a few days after being left by his father in an empty desert (Makkah) with his mother Hajar. In the story, God commanded Abraham to leave them both there at His mercy and both he and Hajar accepted this due to their deep faith that God had a mission for them. Abraham prayed to God and said:

“O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable valley (by Your Sacred House) in order that they may perform their prayers. So fill some hearts among people with love towards them, and provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks.” (Quran, Chapter 14: Verse 37).

After using up her food and drink supplies, Hajar frantically ran 7 times between the mountainous hills of Al Safa and Al Marwa in the scorching heat in search for water for her distressed son until he started rubbing the ground with his feet and a miraculous spring of sweet water appeared. Out of fear that the water would run out, as she did not know how long she would be in the desert for, Hajar began to make a barrier around the spring with sand and stones and kept repeating the words ‘Zomé Zomé’, which means in Arabic, ‘contain yourself, contain yourself’ in order to preserve its water (Koshak, 1983). 

Abraham eventually returned and found, to his joy that not only were his son and wife alive, but that God had answered his prayers and the area had attracted wildlife, birds, the growth of crops and people from Yemen and travelers who had chosen to settle in Makkah due to the abundance of sweet water and fresh food that was available to them. Later, with the help of his son Ismail, he fulfilled God’s command and re-built God’s house (The Kaaba) a few metres away from the well, which was originally built by Adam and later destroyed by the global flood that came during the time of Noah’s prophethood. God commanded Abraham to do this in preparation for the coming of Muhammad, the very last prophet, who was later born and raised in Makkah and came from the bloodline of Ismail. Until this day pilgrims visit the preserved stone, which Abraham frequently stood on to build the high parts of The Kaaba, as his footprints can be seen on it (Koshak, 1983).

Since then, which was over 3000 years ago, the spring remains contained in the same place near The Kaaba and was named Zamzam because of the barrier Hajar made around it. Millions of Muslims who visit the holy mosques and perform the Umra and Hajj pilgrimages drink from the well each year, as it is believed to be sacred and have many healing powers. Walking and/or running between the Safa and Marwa hills 7 times, as Hajar once did, is not only a physical ritual during the pilgrimage, but also a great spiritual one that reminds Muslims to be patient, hard-working, positive and to have deep trust in God and believe that He is The Ultimate Provider and Helper during times of need.

“And whosoever has faith in God, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in God, then He will suffice him. Verily, God will accomplish his purpose. Indeed God has set a measure for all things” (The Quran: Chapter 65, Verses 2-3). 

Zamzam water is considered by many well-known scientists (such as Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Yayha Koshak and Dr. Knut Pfeiffer) all over the world to be the purest form of water on earth because of the amount of bicarbonates (366mg/l) found in it, which is even higher than the pure water obtained from the French Alps. German doctor Dr. Knut Pfeiffer, who specialises in internal medicine and energey therapy, claimed that Zamzam water amazingly increased the energy levels in the cell systems of the body because it is naturally free from harmful bacteria. Zamzam water is also alkaline and germicidal in nature because of its fluoride content and is rich in many vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium that help to reduce the impacts of hunger, increase blood platelets, strengthens the immune system and detoxifies the skin and body. It was narrated that The Prophet Muhammad said over 1000 years ago that the best water on earth is that of Zamzam, “In it there is food for the hungry and a cure for the ill” (Al-Tabrani, 1994: No. 11004).

As a result, Zamzam has become an essential ingredient that is used in most of our products, as we were greatly moved and inspired by the spiritual meaning behind its beautiful story, amazed by its healing powers and have witnessed the medical effects it has had on our customers’ health, skin, hair and general wellbeing. We are incredibly passionate about the products we make, which is why we choose our ingredients carefully and make sure that the combinations we use are based on many authentic medical and herbal studies that date back centuries (I will dedicate another blog post for this). An immense amount of love, care and positive energy goes into making them, which make them truly one-of-a-kind and treasures for each household.

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